NEW RELEASE: 2 Clown Plays
by Cameron Christopher Stuart and Seraphic Romance Rots Truth A Freedom Books is excited to welcome in this new author to our team! Cameron Christopher Stuart is an accomplished playwright and this new collection documents the tried and true clown plays of his eventual legacy. From the author: 2 CLOWN PLAYS collects two (2) scripts performed by Saints of an Unnamed Country, a NYC-based theater company, in the year of the clown, 2015. Written by the scholarly duo of Cameron Christopher Stuart and Seraphic Romance Rots Truth, these plays catalog dream poetry transcribed by a floating mirror hand for transmission to a smiling, make-up smeared clown visage replete with mouth-machine -- in this case talented performer Lily Chambers (pictures of her clown prowess included in this volume). Satirical, delicious, suffused with rocket fuel and cinnamon toothpaste, these paroxysms of ghostmothership amorphous chocochippy candykaynes are blow-pops for the undernourished mindhole. Performable! By clowns and cats alike. Instructions included. DO NOT MISS THE BONUS LEVEL.Grab your copy here: