We have published independent works since 2012. Below you can view our releases and purchase print copies.
#017 |
Travel By Haiku:
Police In The Wilderness
Cameron Christopher Stuart's collection of plays titled Police In The Wilderness features two versions of the same play written and revisited along with various dramatic stagings by Saints Of An Unnamed Country over a ten year period, creation an experience to fully absorb the psychedelic audacity of this wild exposé on the human wilderness. With themes of climate change, life in a dystopian police state, and mind-altering philosophical dialectics on the birth and death of poetic meaning, this collection could've chosen no better time to make its grand entrance into our collective consciousness.
#016 |
#015 |
The Edge of Waking
The Edge of Waking is a collection of poetic works that follow fundamental truths, venturing into the ever ripening heart's innate echo of the natural world. Reaching continually for simplicity, this collection captures a fascination for, and celebration of, basics.
2 Clown Plays
2 Clown Plays collects two (2) scripts performed by Saints of an Unnamed Country, a NYC-based theater company, in the year of the clown, 2015. Written by the scholarly duo of Cameron Christopher Stuart and Seraphic Romance Rots Truth, these plays catalog dream poetry transcribed by a floating mirror hand for transmission to a smiling, make-up smeared clown visage replete with mouth-machine -- in this case talented performer Lily Chambers (pictures of her clown prowess included in this volume). Satirical, delicious, suffused with rocket fuel and cinnamon toothpaste, these paroxysms of ghostmothership amorphous chocochippy candykaynes are blow-pops for the undernourished mindhole. Performable! By clowns and cats alike. Instructions included. DO NOT MISS THE BONUS LEVEL.
#014 |
#013 |
Water Is The New Precedent
Seeds of Illumination
Seeds of Illumination is a poetic compilation of true tales inspired by a host of wild initiations, raw revelations, and cathartic celebrations experienced while traveling the rocky road of realization. This book is a testament to SPIRIT, to the realms that exist within and beyond the five senses, to those places shrouded in mystery with more presence and power in our lives than we realize. Through reading this collection, the words work to inspire us to dive deeper, so that we may dream ourselves awake.
#012 |
#011 |
Travel By Haiku:
Letters To Aunt Lucy
#010 |
#009 |
A-Politico Absurdia
In 2011, Jozef Maguire and Marshall James Kavanaugh set out to write a manifesto for a culture movement that James Kavanaugh had been developing called Dream Punk. Originally intended to incite a radical break from consensus reality in pursuit of empowerment through lucid dreaming, the text became an experience of manifestation through language. While writing it, the authors quickly developed their own vocabulary as they searched for words that would better describe the characters and states of mind they found in this alternate reality. The collaboration that happened while they lived together for six months in Philadelphia had a visionary effect on both writers that still calls out in both of their writings to this day. The text is only the beginning.
# 007 |
Fire. Sun. Salutation.
Borderline Fictions
Borderline Fictions tracks the growing years of a young poet navigating the journeys of finding a voice. You'll see him or her take on many different transformations as they dive through college slums haunted by Bukowski, the streets of South America chased by a post-imperialist anarchy, and that word called love which grows fiery in the erotic late night satin light. It is a collection of poetry & prose that is abstract & psychedelic as it progresses through the shadows of dreaming and ever persistent reality of travel. Pablo Neruda is there to get things started, as well as Brother Josef, Jade Hart, Dick Richey, and many others you'll soon know by name.
# 006 |
# 005 |
A Dream Dialectic:
The Little Death.pdf |
# 004 |
A Dream Dialectic:
The New Aesthetic.pdf |
The Sleepers and
# 003 |
# 002 |
Surreal Psychedelia:
# 001 |
In The Night Time